
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Llife Story -- Family Holiday Traditions -- Grandma Anna

Written Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Suzanne's twin girls were born today on Suzanne's birthday.

Tell about your family's traditions. Christmas, birthdays, graduation, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. Have you continued them with your own children?

"We always got a sack each with colored foil glued on the outside.  The sacks went all around the bottom of the tree.  The sacks contained an orange and candy and nuts.  I still don't know how she did all of this with very little money.
"One year we didn't have a tree and she knew someone that had too a tree to get in their house.  So she let them know we didn't have a tree. They brought the piece cut off and gave it to her. She cut the limbs off and put them on the wall in the shape of a tree and decorated it with popcorn and paper chains. We thought it was beautiful and the sacks were in a row under the tree.

“The 4th of July was done on the church lawn.  There was a gazebo there and the Band played a lot of music there after marching thru Main Street.  They had bags of candy and a popcorn ball for all the children. 
 “Halloween was nothing special.  Trick or Treating hadn’t started yet.
”Thanksgiving always had mincemeat pie and noodles my mother made with boiled chicken.
“Christmas had the same things to eat and a few toys that had been donated by people whose children had outgrown them.”

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