
Monday, September 24, 2018

Life Story--Father's Traits--Grandma Anna

Written Thursday, June 5, 2008.

Tell about your father's personality, characteristics, stature, coloring,, talents, temperament, family stories about him, etc.

"It depended on who was around. I was never at ease around him.  Some, other than our family, must have thought so because when the twins were born and my youngest brother, Mrs Colter came around campaigning for County Recorded.  He was playing with the twins and she said, "I would never have thought you were that way.  You always give the impression you're tough and gruff."
He was a tall man, not really thin nor fat, but very stout looking. He was handsome and charming when he wanted to be.  But never more handsome than my mother was beautiful.  He had brown eyes and brown hair. 
He could do almost anything; making tools, clocks, carved chairs, mechanics, repairing things with parts not available but that he had made. 
The reason I was afraid of him is if things didn't go his way, he would slam down what he had and leave, sometimes for the rest of the day. 
He was in the First World War, stationed in Russia and guarded the Bolshevik prisoners.  Those stationed there were forgotten for almost a year before they came home after the war was over. 
He passed away after several months of stomach cancer."

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